We are a small business located in Bellingham, WA. We offer competitive wages, good benefits and a great work environment. You will be treated professionally and be able to learn from other professionals in a friendly, collaborative environment.
Why do we exist?
We are here so that we can help patients, and each other perform better in their lives through improving vision.
What are the values that we share?
We try to consistently to guide, instruct, advise, educate, mentor, train all our patients and fellow staff members.
We actively pursue knowledge on our own or with a group.
No job is “beneath” anybody at this office. We will all pick up garbage and scrub tile if it needs to be done.
What are the values we aspire to have?
Empathy - we need to share the feelings of our patients and fellow staff.
Listeners – People (patients) are coming to us so that we can listen to their concerns. Always listen to what they are truly saying.
Affable – we need to be friendly, warm, nice & approachable.
Humor – In our day to day work environment, there can be a lot of things which add stress for all of us... Always try to find humor in any situation to lighten the mood.